What is fornication?
In short, fornication is sexual behavior outside of marriage. According to the English usage, fornication is “the act of having sex with somebody that you are not married to“.
The following words are translated as fornication: In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word זְנוּנִים (zenunim) or זְנוּת (zenut) from the root זנה are translated as fornication, prostitution. In the New Testament, the Greek word πορνεία, ας, ἡ (porneia) is translated as fornication, sexual immorality, unchastity and prostitution.
In the Old Testament, Leviticus 18 gives examples of fornication, such as incest, sexual intercourse between men and zoophilia, i.e. sexual intercourse with animals. In Leviticus 20 it is then described that several of these examples of fornication are punishable by death.
In the New Testament, which replaces the Old Testament, fornication is dealt with differently than in the Old Testament: According to Leviticus 20, adultery and sexual intercourse with the father's wife were punishable by death. In the New Testament the woman caught in the act of adultery was not put to death in John 8:2-11 and in 1 Cor 5:1-13 Paul commands the church member who had sexual intercourse with his father's wife to be excommunicated to repentance and not to be put to death.
Here is a selection of important statements and scriptures on the subject of fornication:
Sexual intercourse outside of marriage is fornication or prostitution. Gen 38, Dtn 22:13-29.
In Old Testament times, if a virgin who was not yet betrothed slept with a man, the man should pay the bride price and marry her. If the maiden's father did not agree to the marriage, the man should pay the father an amount equal to the bride price. Ex 22:15-16.
Looking at someone you are not married to with sexual desire is already adultery or fornication. Consuming pornography is fornication. Mt 5:27-32.
Sexually immoral persons, adulterers and others do not enter the Kingdom of God, i.e. heaven, unless they have repented. 1.Cor 6:1-11, Gal 5:16-26, Eph 5:1-7, Rev 21:1-8.
Fornication comes from within, from the heart of man, and defiles man. Mt 15:1-20, Mk 7:1-23.
Fornication is a reason for divorce. Mt 5:27-32.
Fornication is contrary to the sound teaching of the gospel. 1.Tim 1:3-11.
Fornication should not even be mentioned among the believers. Eph 5:1-7.
Believers should abstain from fornication. 1.Thess 4:1-12.
Fornication is a deed of the flesh, that is, a deed of man's evil nature. Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, that is, a consequence of the work and presence of God in man. Gal 5:16-26.
The believers should flee from fornication. They should give their bodies to God and not give their bodies to fornication. Whoever commits fornication sins against his own body. 1.Cor 6:12-20.
Believers who fornicate should be avoided and should be cast out of the church unless they repent.
God will judge the fornicators and adulterers. Heb 13:1-19.