Impressions from the March for Life 2022 in Berlin
Here I share several impressions from the Berlin March for Life 2022, which took place yesterday on September 17th, 2022.
What I found particularly interesting: The American Terrisa Bukovinac spoke on stage, who claims to be a democrat, i.e. politically left-wing, and is an atheist and represents the pro-life position. I have often heard the prejudice that only believers in God and Conservatives represent the pro-life position. Of course that's not true. Terrisa Bukovinac is another example of how you can be pro-life and at the same time not be conservative and not believe in God. Here, as in many other areas of life, thinking in such categories is not helpful. By the way, Terrisa Bukovinac founded Pro-Life San Francisco, PAAU - Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising and was a board member of Democrats for Life of America.
It was on this March that I first encountered the Pro-Life Flag.