March for Life 2022

The March for Life in Berlin will take place on Saturday September 17, 2022 from 1 p.m. The March for Life sets a sign for the right to life of all people and thus, among other things, a sign against abortion. No human being under ordinary circumstances has the right to kill an innocent unborn human being. Abortion is therefore a great injustice.

The Berlin declaration, outlining the goals of the march, reads as follows:

The Bundesverband Lebensrecht appeals to politicians and society to respect and enforce the unconditional right to life as the supreme human right and elementary basis of our constitutional order.

  • Every human being, whether born or unborn, has the right to life and respect for his or her dignity.

  • Every person is equally valuable, regardless of their level of development, characteristics and circumstances.

  • The state's duty to protect applies to every individual from conception. Its human dignity and right to life is independent of the decision of third parties.

Below is an invitation to the March for Life next Saturday, September 17th and videos of the past March in 2021.

I cordially invite you to the March for Life!

I will attend with a friend, the Lord willing.

Videos from the Last Year


Impressions from the March for Life 2022 in Berlin


Bible Study 4.9.2002: The Lost Sheep, Matthew 18:10-14